My Story

In my younger years I would never have described myself as career driven. I always wanted to try out new roles or take a different path and always felt I could give more, but I certainly didn’t ever see myself being a director of my own successful coaching business.

In 2013 following a traumatic relationship breakdown I found myself single, childless and living with my parents. This WASN’T WHAT I HAD EXPECTED FROM MY LIFE AT THE AGE OF 31 but, that’s life. I was brought up to have a positive mindset and to be resilient, but the one thing that gave me hope for the future at that time was a new role I had taken on in a completely new field of work.

I had to dig deep to progress my career and with very little else in my life at that time, I put everything into my work. I would work extremely long hours, socialise with colleagues out of hours to fill empty time and as a result, often NEGLECT MY WELLBEING.

The effort appeared to be worthwhile as I was successful in progressing my career from a decent 30K full time job to MAKING WELL OVER 6 FIGURES from my Limited Company through contracting positions.
Despite my success I would often describe myself as an ‘ALL OR NOTHING’ kind of girl.  I noticed that for a few weeks I would be full of energy, focused and productive.  However, I would spend subsequent weeks feeling INTROVERTED, experience debilitating IMPOSTER syndrome, spend hours PROCRASTINATING and feel generally LOW. Not that anyone really noticed as I learnt to embody a new persona during this phase, putting on a front to those around me.  But being someone different to who I really felt I was, felt DRAINING.

Inconsistency of other highly successful women is something I observed throughout my career.  I worked in the traditionally male dominated industries of law, technology and professional services in which there has been some amazing progress on closing the gender gap.  However, I have witnessed many women working to BURNOUT in order to take their place in leadership.

In 2020 I read a book called ‘Period Power’ by Maisie Hill and this was quite literally a life changing moment for me.  As I read the book, I nodded so much my head nearly fell off.  Everything I read MADE SENSE of so much of my career, and my life generally.  From this point I began tracking my hormonal cycles and was amazed at how by ‘GOING WITH THE FLO’ (excuse the pun) I could be so much more CONSISTENT.  I gained a new level of CONFIDENCE and overcame procrastination by planning for the right things at the right time.


Now I’m aware of exactly WHEN IN THE MONTH I should be focussing on reflection and goal setting; when to be creative or social and when to have (or not have…) difficult conversations. I know what type of EXERCISE to do to make sure I feel positive afterwards and what type of FOODS to eat to give me ENERGY throughout the month. All of this knowledge allows me to live my most PRODUCTIVE & FULFILLED life.

2020 was also the year my career took a new path as I qualified as a Health & Life Coach, working with people on MINDSET and PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT. I think I can say that every single woman I have coached has referenced her hormones or menstrual cycle during our conversations and I started to realise this was a real niche area that women needed support with and so, The HORMONAL CYCLE OPTIMISATION Coach was born.

I’ve made it my mission to help Women in Business to achieve CONSISTENT CLARITY, CONFIDENCE and PRODUCTIVITY every day of the month, by aligning with their hormonal cycles.

I’m also proud to say that ten years on from the start of this story I found a wonderful man and we have a beautiful daughter. Both of them inspire me every day to continue my work to help transforming the lives of other women.

If you can relate to my story, CONNECT WITH ME TODAY so we can work through your challenges together for you to align with your cycle to also achieve CONSISTENT CLARITY, CONFIDENCE and PRODUCTIVITY.



On a mission to help Women in Business
to achieve CONSISTENT CLARITY, CONFIDENCE and PRODUCTIVITY every day of the month, 
by aligning with their hormonal cycles!

My Education

  • Advanced Nutrition for Health Coaches (in progress) – Health Coach Institute
  • Fundamentals of Menstrual Cycle Health and Awareness (in progress) – Institute of Health Sciences
  • Neuro Linguistic Programming Master (in progress) – The Coaching Masters
  • Accredited Coach – The Coaching Masters
  • Certified  Health Coach – Health Coach Institute
  • Certified Life Coach – Health Coach Institute
  • Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instruction
  • Change Management Practitioner – Prosci
  • Project Management Practitioner – Prince2
  • Bachelor Degree Tourism and Leisure Management – Anglia Ruskin University


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